Thursday, September 08, 2011
I found myself crying for nothing, this is the weird part.
I don't even know why i cried, probably someone can enlighten me
♥our lips must always be sealed
Thursday, September 08, 2011
I'm still learning to reply on people and put down my guards against people. To trust people and have confident in people around me. Thanks alot.
Its not hard to fake a smile, really, its easier to fake a smile than cry. Crying is the most difficult thing, especially something that i don't want to bring up anymore, something that is locked somewhere in me.
I think we just need someone who is there to talk to, to listen to our story, to understand how we feel. Its often said that girls sixth sense are very accurate. I sense something, but then something is stopping me, which is you.
Its okay to be friend but then act like one, don't overdo it. So that you can allow me to act like your friend too. I don't want to be a thick skin girl. If you can't act like a friend, or cant hold on to me, probably you should let me go. Thanks alot, i will appreciate it.
♥our lips must always be sealed
Thursday, September 08, 2011

Wednesday, September 07, 2011
I thought I had the sweetest dream last night, but when I wake up this morning, I realize that it was just a nightmare.
♥our lips must always be sealed
Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Saturday, September 03, 2011
you're trying to make me a fool har? you've gone too far.
This is not the way friends treat each other, you left me speechless.
Shame on you to do this.
Making me a fool? i'll make sure that you are the fool
You promised me that you won't make any move, i've lost all my trust on you.
Good luck from now on, don't let your guard down.
Probably disappointed is the word to describe my feelings now.
Everybody may be standing on your side, judging me from your point of view.
so wad? one day when they find someone more persuasive than you are. you are out of their life.
They are no friends, and standing here right now is your true friend and your doing such absurd things to her. YOU RUIN EVERYTHING!
Since things are done, it cannot be undone, this is the only bad things about life.
i won't regret having you as my friend, but neither would i regret saying all this. Regret is not in my dictionary. I just hope that you can find someone, someday that is worth to be your friend coz im not worth.
Thank you for teaching me so much things. Thank you for letting me know that there is no friends forever and no enemies forever.
P.S You know he is a sensitive topic
♥our lips must always be sealed
Saturday, September 03, 2011