Tomorrow will be the start of my last 3 years of school life.HOHO :)
13 years of studying already, i can believe it!
Remember that when i was 5, i wonder how will my like in primary school be. Will i be the scholar in school? Will i be popular? so many questions in my head.
Well, it was good. Great teachers and lovely friends:) i still remember some of my primary school friend Teh Weilin, felice lee. HAHA! there are others, but i cant remember it now :p
So when primary school is about to end, i think about my secondary school. Secondary school was okay, but i dont really like it. Teachers are bias, they look for pretty and smart people. I'm just invisible to them. Classmates too, but of course not all of them. Right? :)
So i started thinking about Poly life, given that my life in Secondary School was totally SHIT.
Feel so lucky that i get to know crystal as my 1st friend :) then after that shirley, instead of some bimbo. and MOST of my classmates are nice people too. No CCA though we sign up ALOT! HAHA! this is the funny part, we sign up almost all the CCA but attended NONE! but the life in poly are really unforgettable. The part whereby we chiong assignment till the middle of the night, because we do it last minute.
Now im thinking about my Uni life, kinda look forward to it. It's starting tomorrow!!! My last 3 years of school life is ending in 3 years. its gonna be the end and i have to work for the rest of my life:(
Gotta make school life really interesting, haha!
♥our lips must always be sealed
Sunday, August 21, 2011
sometimes I hate myself for not being able to show concern, even to the people I love most.
♥our lips must always be sealed
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
really hate it that people only text you when they need you and don't reply to your text when you need them. This is shit alright?!
♥our lips must always be sealed
Sunday, August 07, 2011
seriously hate those people that only text you when they need you. they then stop replying when they have enough of you. wad nonsense? I learnt from this ppl lurh. not replying to texts and everything. freaking nonsense.
♥our lips must always be sealed
Sunday, August 07, 2011

Wednesday, August 03, 2011
my life is totally stuck up! :(
tried not to doubt anyone, anything. and yes I'm lied to one after another. you know I hate it, and you did it. so yes, right from now this moment, you are out of my life. Please don't pretend you care.
♥our lips must always be sealed
Wednesday, August 03, 2011