Hey hey.
My mind often wonder off to other places when you are talking to me, and that makes me come out with random Question.
My life is so adventurous, and that makes me go hurray! and oh nooo!
I may look talkative when you first know me but i like peace.
I don't believe in forever, so don't ever say things like forever to me, it annoys me.
I treasure every Single one of my friend but if you piss me you can just Fcuk off.
I hate to have question marks in my head before i sleep.
I am a very straight forward person, so is either u likes me, or you hate me.
♥You will know it when yknow me♥
bold underlined strikethrough italic
"If we live our life in fear,
I'll wait a thousand years
Just to see you smile again "
Meet the people I love♥
Layout Designer:
♥ ♥ ♥

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Am working right now. I think I can update my blog everyday already. haha! since there is application to do so.
the system today is super lag!! makes me super irritated.. argh! so while waiting for it to load, I shall take my time to blog...
I think my life is totally ruin. i don't trust people easily. I always think that by human nature, people would make use of each other for their own benefit. probably because up till now I've come across many jerks and bitch?
until now I got to admit that I built a very strong wall around myself not allowing people to penetrate it.
but I know that if someone break this wall, it would be even very difficult for me to let him go.
PS. I know that you can't always be there:)
♥our lips must always be sealed
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
when I make a promise, I won't break it easily. But if I break it, please understand my reason :)
You were once the reason for my smile, but probably not anymore :)
Have been wondering if there is anything I can do to change things. it seems meaningless now? haha..
I feel that I have got use to it already, how? hmm... maybe I just have to stop everything I'm doing right now;) though I really love and enjoy it now. hhahahha
PS. Thanks for everything.
♥our lips must always be sealed
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sunday, July 24, 2011
Counting down the last 6days of my work! heh heh!
Its been such a long time since i go shopping with my friends!
Chit chatting about their life! I really look forward to all this! ITS TIME!
Currently am addicted to Gmarket! haha!
So convenient! just click buy then do ibanking and you can get your things delivered to our doorsteps! haha! nice :D
Today after work no bus come and fetch us. SIAN~
We have to walk all the way out sia! OMG.. almost died on the way out.
luckily got cab! haha!
am gonna sleep soon~ shall update again next time.
probably the next time i update i have already END WORK OFFICIALLY! WAHAHAHA!
PS. Please don't let me get use to it :) i will appreciate it
♥our lips must always be sealed
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011
I din noe that words of encouragement from a friend is so so so so important.
Simple words can make me feel abit more confidence :)
♥our lips must always be sealed
Monday, July 11, 2011

Saturday, July 09, 2011
I hate it when guys look down on girls dunno since when!
I hate it when guys doubt a girl!
I mean it is fine for you to doubt me if you are really a MAN, you see?
Man always think that by serving NS for 2 years is a waste of time. and they think that girls should serve NS too. ohh, this is just shit! wad century are they in?!
I dont mind to trade with you? like i serve NS and you guys get pregnant and give birth? and get stomach cramps every month. Im serious...
I always believe that girls can be as good as a guy :)
Cheers to girls!
♥our lips must always be sealed
Saturday, July 09, 2011

Monday, July 04, 2011
Went out with mummy after work as she wants to register for the english lesson. LOL.
Abit funny though, like so old already still learn english. but its always never too old to learn :)
hmm... i wonder how will i be like when i grow old. haha.
i always tell my friend i want to be like those rich tai tai. like high tea, then go hair salon make hair, manicure, pedicure, spa, HOHOHO. can enjoy life :D
life is weird don't you think so? some people come and go, some stay through out your life, some goes but left footprint behind that makes difference in your life ^^
well.. i want to be the one that stay throughout your life and make a difference to it, can my access be granted, please...? haha!
i admit i am greedy, very greedy. i always want more more more, never satisfied with what i have. when i have it i want more, and when i lose it i want everything to be back to normal. contradicting har?
P.S. Can i just have you? Really just you will do.
♥our lips must always be sealed
Monday, July 04, 2011