Wednesday, October 28, 2009
today went to the "IS bonding day"
looks fun ?
hmm... sort of lah..
those games, i can see that they really put effort into planning it..
so just as i tot this is a wonderful plan..
this fuker came..
alright.. he was sticking to our grp for the whole event, and obviously the reason why he stick to us is coz gt 1 beautiful lady that he know is with us..
why i know the reason ? well... guys are realistic( especially THIS)
well.. i dont know him well (and i also dont wish to know him)
but this fuker was like nuts, we were having our refreshment
and thr he comes and wanna take a picture.. siao right ?
okay fine, take lah.. who would stop him
he told us to look at the camera, ya, but the cameraman was right behind me
so of course using COMMON SENSE i cant turn..
my head cant turn 360 degrees ..
yea.. and this didnt end..
he think that i was showing some stupid attitude
so with the bones he left in his hands after he ate his chicken wing
he uses it and point at me..
saying that "i SUXs"
well.. totally ruin my mood
and guy i suxs so wat..
u suxs too.. ur attitude + face
yea boo! sucks..
seriously ah.. if u can find a gf hor..
i think the gurl will be damn suay..
and i swear har..
if the bf i find is this kinda i rather go be a nun..
okay.. the end of today's insulting story
tmr gt class at 830..
sian.. wonder if he'll be thr..
i scared later i suddenly say a lot of "beautiful words"
how ?
i scared sia.. later he find ppl beat me hw ?
haha! scarly, all same pattern as him one..
♥our lips must always be sealed
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009
its Saturday again.. *YAWN
was surfing blogs..
found a few artist blogs..haha
found jj lin de ( long ago) then khalil Fong de..
haha... OMG! so cool lah.. its like they go ard the world then a lot of nice nice pics
i also wanna go tour ard the world..
recently heard lin you jia new song.. its so nice lah..
still gt Evan Cai Yo latest album "Loneliness".. very nice also .. :D
Lastly, is khalil Fong album "Timeless"
seriously worth buying his album..
his voice damn unique lah..
attracted by his Voice lei! omg!! omg!!
oh yah.. there's a song i put in my blog sang by him..
my favourite song in this album :D
The title of the song is "Wonderful Tonight" by Eric Clapton,1997
damn romantic~~~ ^^
*I feel wonderful because i see
the love light in your eyes
and the wonder of it all
is that you just don't realize
How much i love you
(Wonderful Tonight-Eric Clapton)
oh.. anw
i think my laptop dying soon..
wanted to sent it to ICU liao lah...
find a lot of info online already lei..
sian.. i think it need operation already.. else keep on black out..
wonder hw cum my available physical memory is so little.. i wan to throw my laptop away le
*Good-bye you suck
Never really liked you
No more whats up
Cause I don't care anymore
Good bye you suck
Cause I never really liked you
So long good luck
Good bye you suck
(Goodbye, You Suck-Shiloh)
♥our lips must always be sealed
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009
its like im gonna rot already?!
i tot everything will be back to normal on friday lah
then juz nw receive another msg..
say the class will be canceled again till nxt thurs then resume lesson
sian nth to do at hm.. everyday listen to my mother nag nag nag..
ask me go gym with her..
LOLs.. i think the last time i really exercise is during SEC 4 ? for NAFA..
hahas.. since then nvr ever run more then 1km.. (don say 1km, i think not even 500m)
later still gotta take my pay at sim lim ..sian
♥our lips must always be sealed
Thursday, October 22, 2009