haha... have steamboat wif my family last sun :D [nice]

they are having their 3rd round HAHA...

haha.. look this is filled wif my fav chocolate :D [love]
yupps... every thing was cleared 2 days later...
coz mama and papa nt hm.. i keep eating and eating and eating [sin]

see! we all share the other table.. he so greedy
1 person to 1 table.. his attach to the table liao...

he told me he have skill.. but look at all the burnt part.. [cancer]
haha! .. but overall i grade u 5/10 lah

look at his nerd face.. trying to act cool.. but fail..
ended up looking like pervert
yupps... things didn't went quite smoothly today...
coz quarrel wif crys haha... i also shock y i scolded that f word ..haha
but be wif shirley too much liao...
hahaS... but no pain [Ouch] no gain :D
she noe her mistake and i noe mine..
then we friend friend again :p
was too harsh on my words.. hehe :P
shirley is the good person.. she sort everything out w/o using vulgarities[SHOCK?]
SEE! this is your good pt :D
yay! finish blogging :D
anw.. crys when u angry very scary.. bang here bang thr
wah! then the face!! hais black until like a satay that is burnt..
aiya! cnt imagine then see the pic on top the black black thing can liao HAHAS
♥our lips must always be sealed
Friday, January 30, 2009

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
finally here to update my blog .. heh heh...
was bz lately... trying to finish the assignment b4 new yr ..so that i can have a HAPPY new year
but apparently im not gonna hav it coz assignment is not even half way done..
new year is coming... but haven buy enough clothes... too bad cum no choice..economic was really bad :-(
class wasn't really fun coz idk wat the teacher is talking ..
i tried to pay attention lately hoping to catch up but of course im really back behind...
vb! its the most complicated thing can?! still combine with database.. looks like they wan to see if we have been listening.. netf is gonna due this fri.. but it seems that we are totally not anxious at all.. when it is not even half way done ... HAHA! no choice they seems like having L4D addict..
but im NOT! HAHAAHAHA! [coz only i can;t play]
Is like their voice are so loud when they play..
i bet coz crys wan the whole world to know she playing right ? then still so selfish help panda and shirley nvr help ur francis! leave him thr and let him die ! HAHAHAHA!
alrights! im done with the post today ... time for vb assignment! ~ ~
♥our lips must always be sealed
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Thursday, January 08, 2009