Hey hey.
My mind often wonder off to other places when you are talking to me, and that makes me come out with random Question.
My life is so adventurous, and that makes me go hurray! and oh nooo!
I may look talkative when you first know me but i like peace.
I don't believe in forever, so don't ever say things like forever to me, it annoys me.
I treasure every Single one of my friend but if you piss me you can just Fcuk off.
I hate to have question marks in my head before i sleep.
I am a very straight forward person, so is either u likes me, or you hate me.
♥You will know it when yknow me♥
bold underlined strikethrough italic
"If we live our life in fear,
I'll wait a thousand years
Just to see you smile again "
Meet the people I love♥
Layout Designer:
♥ ♥ ♥

Sunday, August 31, 2008
haha... i found job le...
actually i started work immediately after my exam that day lah..
erm... okay lah...
quite slack... only a lot of things to memorise.. like exams
haha.. only that im not so stress
my mum actually ask me go find other job coz she say the pay too little..
then somemore only got 1 mth so... ..
but okay lah.. maybe after training pay will increase a bit lo..
coz when i start sch still can work mah.. so can lah..
i also lazy go out find job...haha
-excuses only..lol
♥our lips must always be sealed
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008
okay.. i know spider webs are growing here..
i juz saw 2 when i was posting.. haha
my cousin came to sing this mon...
and this is my exam wk.. sian.. they came at the wrong time lah!
preparing for my exams then needa accompany them walk ard also...
really spent too much time with them playing ard i think maths really CMI this time le.. :(
so sad... i don wan to repeat !!
okay i have pictures :P...
but really lazy to upload leh..haha
nxt time gt time then upload bah ..
i go study le.. having java on tues?? or wed??
haha..i blur liao
i juz rmb that this is a 8 credit module haha
♥our lips must always be sealed
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008
yah! YOU!
stupid exams...
why must there be exams leis ??
i haven rest enough after my assignments leh..
haven watch enough drama series and haven play enough and haven shop enough leis
sooooo sianz.. -.-
actually we should anti- exam har ?
muz save paper mah.. right ??
this is a reason not excuse... must save the trees.. :-)
coz when exam comes really waste a lot of paper..
yah! anw spore is competing with china in the finals now
lost le :-( so sad.. sob sob
hope that they'll win in this round
♥our lips must always be sealed
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008
萧亚轩 - 冲动
很感激 这城市拥挤的交通
让你我 还能多相处几分钟
人潮中 怕失散所以轻轻拉你的手
一刻不放松 不放松
忍不住 想要爱你的冲动
不确定你属于我 会有点寂寞
你给的幸福 在我心中自由走动
忍不住 想要吻你的冲动
不确定我的执着 能让你感动
我只能相信自己感受 不怕失落
关于你的一切 我想要比谁都懂
我的心 是被你设定的闹钟
提醒我 想你的时间不够用
为什么 平淡的事情现在忽然生动
是你改变我 你改变我
very nice song... coz nth to blog le.. :D
♥our lips must always be sealed
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tuesday, August 05, 2008
tired coz this few days really sleep quite late doing the java project and the iw assignment... sian
tmr gt the interview le. hope he ask simple question.... god blessssssss! haha
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... so tired luckily iw dateline is extended to this fri..haha if nt can see me in hospital le.. haha
very PISS OFF bcause of someone... NOT 'HIM' is the other one but juz don wanna state the name out lah... haha...
dono leh... y is that person so thick skinned huh?? i really don understand...
yea im sad today,coz i saw someone help someone then is like...
i don noe lah! juz feel sad lor... also dono y... i think coz i 不爽 that person so i sad lor..haha(can understand?)
then angry coz i see that he doesn't even bother about his assignment and his partner..
i also dono y he become like that... hais i also dono dono dono dono dono
and i dono wat his partner thinking scared this scared that wats thr to scared??
his fault or ur fault??
okay done! im gg to do my stupid assignment... if nt giv me 1 mths also cnt finish
♥our lips must always be sealed
Tuesday, August 05, 2008