Hey hey.
My mind often wonder off to other places when you are talking to me, and that makes me come out with random Question.
My life is so adventurous, and that makes me go hurray! and oh nooo!
I may look talkative when you first know me but i like peace.
I don't believe in forever, so don't ever say things like forever to me, it annoys me.
I treasure every Single one of my friend but if you piss me you can just Fcuk off.
I hate to have question marks in my head before i sleep.
I am a very straight forward person, so is either u likes me, or you hate me.
♥You will know it when yknow me♥
bold underlined strikethrough italic
"If we live our life in fear,
I'll wait a thousand years
Just to see you smile again "
Meet the people I love♥
Layout Designer:
♥ ♥ ♥

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
did my cos and java test today ...
sad life....
is like gone case lor...
yesterday study till so late then is like nth get in my brain
even if it gets in it didnt come out today for test...
my java...
everything is like i have learn b4 de lor..
then get the paper totally 4get everything ..
my mind was like blank!
and the worst thing is that i almost 4get hw to create a new project in it!
oh god... hope that i pass juz pass can liao...
juz nw i really cnt concentrate for my java lah...
wanted to slp...haha..
if i noe i would endure so that i will nt feel sleepy...
then i can slp all i want nw...
tml is maths paper....
more sad...
don even have the feel to study nw..
hw ??
the only way not to fail maths is to study and memorise formula
but cnt leh
but dono why.. =)
♥our lips must always be sealed
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
well... i very lazy to blog....
i watch fated to love you..
very nice lehs...
COol... RUan tian jing so shuai
haha.. crazy about him...:x
so sianz...
need to wait till sun then can get to see the nxt ep..
i wanna buy le lah...
buy and keep !!
♥our lips must always be sealed
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Monday, June 16, 2008
我踩著夢的階梯 走進了 一座迷霧森林
誰的心事 被天使竊聽 泛起漣漪
時間它幫我設計 下一秒 誰是神秘嘉賓
小心翼翼 揭開了面具 掌聲鼓勵
誰闖進我的場地 誰讓我措手不及
我早就預備的劇情 妳卻給我一筆
狡猾地 致命地正中我紅心
我跟誰變得親密 誰逐漸離我遠去
華麗演出共襄盛舉 唯有妳的背影
妳按了我的門鈴 我終於 從呵欠中甦醒
緊張兮兮 對妳說一句 歡迎光臨
全場觀眾都離席 剩下我 還在原地尋覓
耳邊聽著 謝幕的歌曲 走不出去
誰闖進我的場地 誰讓我措手不及
我早就預備的劇情 妳卻給我一筆
狡猾地 致命地正中我紅心
我跟誰變得親密 誰逐漸離我遠去
華麗演出共襄盛舉 唯有妳的背影
我搬到誰的隔壁 誰成了我的鄰居
鳴謝生命有妳參與 笑納我的邀請
曲終人散卻寫下不會結束 的結局
♥our lips must always be sealed
Monday, June 16, 2008
我踩著夢的階梯 走進了 一座迷霧森林
誰的心事 被天使竊聽 泛起漣漪
時間它幫我設計 下一秒 誰是神秘嘉賓
小心翼翼 揭開了面具 掌聲鼓勵
誰闖進我的場地 誰讓我措手不及
我早就預備的劇情 妳卻給我一筆
狡猾地 致命地正中我紅心
我跟誰變得親密 誰逐漸離我遠去
華麗演出共襄盛舉 唯有妳的背影
妳按了我的門鈴 我終於 從呵欠中甦醒
緊張兮兮 對妳說一句 歡迎光臨
全場觀眾都離席 剩下我 還在原地尋覓
耳邊聽著 謝幕的歌曲 走不出去
誰闖進我的場地 誰讓我措手不及
我早就預備的劇情 妳卻給我一筆
狡猾地 致命地正中我紅心
我跟誰變得親密 誰逐漸離我遠去
華麗演出共襄盛舉 唯有妳的背影
我搬到誰的隔壁 誰成了我的鄰居
鳴謝生命有妳參與 笑納我的邀請
曲終人散卻寫下不會結束 的結局
♥our lips must always be sealed
Monday, June 16, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008

me with my mum in the wedding..

he promise to love her 4ever...

my 2 cute cousins..:D

her family...

♥our lips must always be sealed
Friday, June 13, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
i really hate backstabber.. !
tats y i don talk bad about ppl at their back i say right into their face
i don like to beat ard the bush
i don do childish things..
tats it!
♥our lips must always be sealed
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
YES!! im back... finally back...
cant imagine i survive there for 6 days!!!
i really cnt belive .. haha
can u imagine hw undeveloped the place is ??
is really like the olden days... with the housefly mosquito bugs worm
and my grandma hse is like damn damn damn old... its ard 30 plus gg to 40 yrs old...
i almost died there... really!!
don belive???
i gt evidence !! but nt nw coz juz reach haha...
tats all... pics will be up tml or today night :p
♥our lips must always be sealed
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tuesday, June 03, 2008
i am rotting again at home and the reason im rotting at hm is coz my mum when out to play her mahjong.. so i gotta take care of my bro...
i nth to do lahs!!!
so watch show for the whole day...
okay .. DONE!!
of nt ppl say i nvr update!
♥our lips must always be sealed
Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Monday, June 02, 2008

Our fondue b4 eating ..haha
look so delicious!!

after eating!! haha... so dirty lah!!
okay today went out with cherly to bugis to buy shirt...
haha... i say accompany her to buy only but in the end she buy i also follow her buy..hahaahahhaha...
she bought 6 lor... i only bought 3 haha...
then after that when to eat chocolate fondue at JP...
i wanna take pic with her lah!
then in the end 4get to take!
sian diao=.='''
oh ya! lastly !
haha..my CJ monster!!

juz saw my web design result...
was nt satisfied at all lah!!!
its SHIT!!
must be the cause of lack of originality ...
sob sob
feel like crying lah!!!!!!!!!!!
♥our lips must always be sealed
Monday, June 02, 2008